Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie (Zeitschriftenheft)

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Claudia Polzin-Haumann Wolfgang Schweickard

Juli 2014
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Thematik nach Sprachen
Literaturwissenschaft, Sprachwissenschaft


Der Themenkreis der viermal jährlich erscheinenden Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie umfasst auf literaturhistorischem Gebiet die romanische Literatur bis zur Renaissance sowie die gesamte romanistische und, in vertretbarem Rahmen, die darauf bezogene allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft.

Prof. Dr. Claudia Polzin-Haumann, Saarbrücken
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Wolfgang Schweickard, Saarbrücken

Éva Buchi, Nancy
Daron Burrows, Manchester
Franz Lebsanft, Bonn
Eugen Munteanu, Iaşi
Fernando Sánchez Miret, Salamanca
Luca Serianni, Rom
David Trotter, Aberystwyth
Friedrich Wolfzettel, Frankfurt am Main

Christian Schweizer, Saarbrücken



Guildelüec et la merveille. Sur des lectures nouvelles du lai d’ Eliduc

Women studies, gender studies, queer studies have renewed the commentary of this lai of Marie de France by accentuating the role of Guildelüec in the final episodes and by questioning her sentiments for Guilliadun: compassion or love? Re-reading the lai while examining old and new judgements made on it, is to discuss the impact on this work of the fact that the author is of the female sex, to comment on the episodes where the wife of Eliduc makes her appearance, and to interpret the conjunction of a banal religious ending with a narrative where the principal protagonists are a pair of women – together with the conjunction of several manners of loving and the love of God. We propose to see in the apology of spiritual love delivered by Aelred, the abbot of Rievaulx, the clearest way to account for the conclusion of the lai.

Comment étudier la langue des documents comptables médiévaux? Quelques remarques et réflexions méthodologiques sur des sources de données nouvelles pour l’étude du français

Historians have been working on medieval accounting records for a long time, but it is only a few years since some of them became interested in the study of the language of these texts. At the same time, paradoxically, very few linguists focus their research on these documents. Yet those are numerous, various and rich. But they also have to be studied with care and caution, not in a naive way, because their language shows several facets: some parts of these texts are more or less «fixed» like the «gangue» of presentation we find from a document to another at the same place for the same series, which changes only slightly over time. Others are rather spontaneous, in particular the one in direct and indirect speech. Therefore, their analysis will not be the same. Several issues can be studied in these texts, among which lexicon, syntax or oral speech which can be found in fines transcribed in the section devoted to revenues. But in order to conduct large-scale research, we need to constitute a corpus of interdisciplinary digital editions of these medieval accounting records.

Deux marqueurs discursifs en diachronie: esp. en el fondo / fr. au fond

This paper analyses the development of the Spanish phrase en el fondo and the French phrase au fond as discourse markers (DM). Without excluding possible cognitive criteria in the evolution from propositional lexical meaning to procedural meaning, we try to formulate and validate hypothesis according to the semantic and pragmatic evolution of these phrases. The article aims at giving an answer to the following question: is there a significant influence from French to Spanish or can we speak of a parallel evolution in the two languages?

Los posesivos en la producción herediana (ensayo de panorámica general sobre el aragonés)

The purpose of this paper is to study some features of the grammar of possessives in the works of Juan Fernández de Heredia, and, by widening the corpus, in the Aragonese dialect as a whole. An analysis is carried out of the construction el suyo fillo as well as of the use of the possessive placed after the noun, especially with an article ( el fillo suyo ). A hypothesis is defended that the characteristic solution for the possessive in Aragonese is the construction including the article, whether the possessive is placed before the noun ( el suyo fillo ) or after it ( el fillo suyo ). Aragonese would thus coincide with Catalan (el meu fill, el fill meu) in this respect.

Variación textual y variedad lingüística: Un ejemplo de la Biblia E4

The focus of the present paper is the Judeo-Romance Bible E4, and, more specifically, the repeated passage found in 2 Chronicles. The graphic, syntactic and lexical variation of this duplicated passage is worthy of scholarly attention since it can be illuminating us the linguistic variety that the passage reflects. In fact, the lexical term partijas, used only in one of the two versions, could reveal the geographical location where the passage was copied.

La intencionalidad métrica y pragmática del latinismo en el Cancionero de Baena

The paper studies the language of the Cancionero de Baena, that dates back to the period of transition between Medieval and Classical Spanish. The author focusses on the use of latinisms (like ab iniçio [= ab initio], crudele, in neutro, maristela [ = Ave maris Stella ], ançila [ = ancilla ] and benine) and other lexical features, taking into account the role of the metrical structures and the pragmatic intention of the texts.

La función de las glosas en el El Trajumán de Michael Papo (1884)

The role of glosses in Sephardic texts has been investigated on several occasions to identify their function in different text types, thus resulting in the establishment of their usage for defining terms and reformulating or introducing linguistic units, for instance as an attempt to rehispanicize the Judeo-Spanish varieties. This paper aims to submit both an analysis and a proposal for classifying those glosses found in a German–Judeo-Spanish travel guide and phrase book, a text type to which little study has been devoted from a linguistic point of view up until now. Our focus is centred on a conversational guide published in Vienna in 1884 and designed for Sephardi Jews travelling to Austria or the German-speaking areas of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. This work from Michael Papo contains a wide sample of glosses which prove to be very interesting from a linguistic perspective (especially regarding Contact Linguistics), given that some glosses have functions which, so far, had not been identified by the researchers.

Un nuevo análisis de la evolución de los imperativos singulares irregulares di, haz, ve, sé, ven, ten, pon, sal, (val)

The informal singular irregular imperatives of Spanish have traditionally been explained as the result of primarily phonological processes. However, such an approach presents various problems which to date are unresolved: DĪC > di, but FĂC > faz > haz, not *fa > *ha. VĔNĪ > ven, without diphthongization because of Ī, but TĔNĒ > ten, not *tien. Ten has been explained as analogical to ven, but a form like *vien could just as well have resulted from analogy with the phonologically expected *tien. Also, SĔDĒ > , without expected diphthongization, a form that cannot be explained as analogical to ven. Finally, pon, sal, ten, ven, ( val ) have been explained as resulting from apocope during the Middle Ages, but the process is not attested in the imperative (i.e., *pone > *pon(e) > pon, etc.) as it is in the present indicative (e.g., pone > pon(e) > pon). Furthermore, it has not been satisfactorily explained why apocope was permanent in these imperatives but not in the present indicative (and other tenses). In this study, all irregularities, synchronic and diachronic, are explained through a new analysis based primarily on a process of historical morphology, namely, back-formation.

No ano hũa vez dũ dia: sul ruolo di iniziale nei manoscritti della lirica galego-portoghese

In studies concerning the manuscript tradition of medieval Galician-Portuguese lyric poetry, the treatment of words beginning with h usually depends on etymological considerations. Accordingly, critical editors are more likely to spare the first letter of home and ha (Lat. HOMINEM, HABET) than that of hir and hũa (Lat. IRE, UNAM). As this study shows, in the songbooks B and V and in the Sharrer parchment, etymology seems to play a secondary role at best, as initial h occurs almost exclusively in five lexemes: the noun home, the verb hir, the article hũu/hũa and the adverbs hi and hu (Lat. IBI, UBI), which all drop their aitches when preceded by words with final vowel elision (e.g. « algun home » vs. « tod’ ome », « quisera hir » vs. « quisera-m’ ir », etc.). This h-/Ø alternation, characteristical of the 13th–14th century Portuguese (but not Galician) tradition, is the counterpart of the analogous treatment of h- in medieval French, Occitan and Italian. It constitutes an element of what might be defined the ortografia dionisina, distinct from the ortografía alfonsí of the Cancioneiro da Ajuda, the Vindel parchment and the MSS of the Cantigas de Santa María.

L’edizione completa del laudario perugino

Lauda is a type of Italian poetry in praise of the Virgin Mary, Christ, or the saints. The poetic lauda was first associated with the early Franciscan friars (the 13th-century Franciscan poet Jacopone da Todi wrote many laudi spirituali in the vernacular), then it was used in confraternal groups and for religious celebrations, and eventually became part of the Italian version of the miracle play, the sacra rappresentazione. Laude were composed either in sestina or in ballata form for recitation, their content usually consisting of exhortations to a moral life or of events in the lives of Christ and the saints. The composers were mostly anonymous. The so-called Laudario Perugino is the largest existing collection of laude. It was assembled about the mid-13th century and copied in several manuscripts. The first critical edition of this Laudario, consisting of more than 180 poems, has been published in two volumes by Gina Scentoni and Maurizio Perugi (2011 and 1012). This paper deals with the most important features of this abundant material, which will considerably enlarge our knowledge of medieval Italian language and poetry.


‘Launen und Leidenschaften’. Zur Bedeutung von humeur bei La Rochefoucauld

When I published in 1987 a new translation of La Rochefoucauld’s «Maximes et réflexions morales» (second edition: 2012) I had a look, from time to time, at the older translation, written by Konrad Nußbächer and published in 1977. Among other differences I found as particularly interesting the notion of French humeur and humeurs. Nußbächer prefers the German ‘Launen’ (‘moods, whims’) (in the maxims 7, 414, 435) or ‘Stimmung’ (45, 488) suggesting thus a passing state of mind, and only twice a permanent one by choosing ‘die Säfte des Körpers’ or ‘Gemüt’. La Rochefoucauld however always uses the older notion of a perduring quality, never the modern meaning of a passing mood. That’s why in this brief note I prefer the translation ‘Naturell’, ‘Beschaffenheit’ or ‘Charakter’.

It. saccagi

The term saccagi ‘janissary charged with protecting and supporting diplomatic representatives or merchants’ appears in 17th century Italian texts from Tunis. The article shows that the word is not a derivative from Tk. sakka ‘water carrier’ formed with the -ci suffix of the agent-nouns, but a corrupt variant of Tk. yasakci.


Jens Nørgård Sørensen / Lars Heltoft / Lene Schøsler, Connecting Grammaticalisation (EVA-MARIA REMBERGER)

Jean-Marie Fritz, La cloche et la lyre. Pour une poétique médiévale du paysage sonore (ELISABETH LEEKER)

Magda Jeanrenaud, La Traduction, là où tout est pareil et rien n’est semblable (IOANA REPCIUC)

Mireille Huchon, Rabelais (FRANK LEINEN)

Jean Nicolas de Surmont, Chanson. Son histoire et sa famille dans les dictionnaires de langue française. Ètude lexical [sic], théorique et historique (JOACHIM LENGERT)

Barbara Wahlen, L’écriture à rebours. Le Roman de Meliadus du XIIIe au XVIIIe siècle (MARIE-JOSE HEIJKANT)

Aurelio Roncaglia, Epica francese medievale, a cura di Anna Ferrari e Madeleine Tyssens (PAOLO GRESTI)

Margherita Lecco, Storia della letteratura Anglo-Normanna (XII-XIV secolo) (DARON BURROWS)

Il Laudario Perugino, a cura di Maurizo Perugi e Gina Scentoni, vol. 1: 1. Introduzione, 2. Edizione del Ms. Perugino; vol. 2: 3. Edizione del Ms. Vallicelliano, 4. Indici – Glossario (MAX PFISTER)

Florian Mehltretter, Kanonisierung und Medialität. Petrarcas Rime in der Frühzeit des Buchdrucks (1470-1687), In Zusammenarbeit mit Florian Neumann (JAN ROHDEN)

Luciana Borghi Cedrini, Il trovatore Peire Milo (PAOLO SQUILLACIOTI)

Chloé Lelong, L’œuvre de Nicolas de Vérone. Intertextualité et création dans la littérature épique franco-italienne du XIVe siècle (LIDIA BARTOLUCCI)

Luciano Rocchi (ed.), Il Dittionario della Lingua Turchesca di Pietro Ferraguto (1611) (WOLFGANG SCHWEICKARD)

Mauro Maxia, Fonetica Storica del Gallurese e delle altre varietà sardocorse (HEINZ JÜRGEN WOLF)



Ersteller des Eintrags
Christian Schweizer
Donnerstag, 14. August 2014, 16:41 Uhr
Letzte Änderung
Freitag, 15. August 2014, 12:53 Uhr