Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie (Zeitschriftenheft)

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Claudia Polzin-HaumannWolfgang Schweickard

November 2014
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Thematik nach Sprachen
Literaturwissenschaft, Sprachwissenschaft


Der Themenkreis der Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie umfasst die Sprachwissenschaft in ihrer ganzen Breite sowie die mediävistische Literaturwissenschaft und die Editionsphilologie. Publikationssprachen sind Französisch, Spanisch, Portugiesisch, Italienisch und Rumänisch sowie Deutsch und Englisch. Es erscheinen vier Hefte im Jahr.

Prof. Dr. Claudia Polzin-Haumann, Saarbrücken
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Wolfgang Schweickard, Saarbrücken

Éva Buchi, Nancy
Daron Burrows, Manchester
Franz Lebsanft, Bonn
Eugen Munteanu, Iaşi
Fernando Sánchez Miret, Salamanca
Luca Serianni, Rom
David Trotter, Aberystwyth
Friedrich Wolfzettel, Frankfurt am Main

Christian Schweizer, Saarbrücken



Espacos, Olofagos, y Caripicos. Turzismen im frühneuzeitlichen Spanisch

The article deals with the historical development of Turkish-Spanish language contact in the Mediterranean. Initially, informations about the Ottoman Empire reached Spain mainly via Italian sources. There is, however, also a number of texts written by Spanish merchants, travellers and diplomats that contain important firsthand information. On the basis of these historical sources, a selective documentation of early Ottoman-Turkish loanwords in Spanish is compiled. As a result, it becomes clear that the lexicographiy of Turkisms in Spanish is far less advanced than in other languages.

El auge del dequeísmo en el siglo XVIII o la desestabilización del sistema. Historia de una variación lingüística

This paper provides evidence of the early presence of dequeism in the 18th century, and analyzes the possible causes for its apparition. The analysis is based on different corpuses and special attention has been paid to the influence that some specific linguistic and extralinguistic factors may have had in the apparition and expansion of the dequeism. Such factors as the source and type of texts are considered and we also evaluate the importance of some pragmatic/semantic conditioning, as the use of de as an evidentiality marker, the use of non-past tenses, the expression of disagreement, or negative assessment, etc. It also evaluates the effect of some psycholinguistic factors, such as the repetition of some discourse structures, analogies, etc. This analysis shows that these motivations only seem to operate under some specific conditions, since dequeism is found only in texts with an essential communicative function and a minimal stylistic concern. The academic pressure in the 18th century, is likely to have stopped these innovative attempts, which will be marginalized to some specific contexts and became clearly stigmatized variants. Dequeism, which could have emerged as an instance of linguistic change, is then reduced to a mere process resulting from linguistic variation.

The translation into Catalan of marked structures in King Lear

Different languages have different means (or structures) to either foreground or background the informational (thematic-rhematic) import of the constituents involved in their sentences. English and Catalan differ substantially, since these two languages resort to two different types of strategies to encode such pragmatic information. Whereas in English thematic (old) information may be left deaccented inside the clause, in Catalan it must be moved to a peripheral (dislocated) position in the structure. This might trigger the binding of a clitic in the clause to satisfy the requirements of the verb. Hence, in order to maintain the quality of the original text, translators should be aware of the equivalences that marked structures have in the target language so as to avoid the weakening of the quality of the target text. If the choice of marked structures is relevant in the original text, that choice should be reflected in (quality) target texts as well. To approach how marked structures are treated in translations, four strategies (which are either contrastive and/or involve clitic binding in Catalan) will be analysed in a fragment of Shakespeare’s King Lear.

On the Status of Proto-Romance *Cw and Its Fate in Italian

This paper treats the origin of the Italian reflexes of the Proto-Romance string traditionally reconstructed as *Cw (i.e., consonant + labial glide). There are two reflexes, which correlate with the location of the stress relative to the string: gemination and loss of *w (except following velar) if the stress preceded the string (e.g., 1s ténni < *ténwi in the preterit of tenere ‘have’), but loss without gemination if it followed (e.g., 2s tenésti < *tenwésti in preterit of this verb). Stress has therefore been generally accepted as the historical motivation for the difference in reflex. There are, however, exceptions, which, although not numerous, have led some to question the historical relevance of stress. I will argue that the exceptions are only apparent, i.e., they can be explained systemically with reference to non-phonetic factors (e.g., analogy), thus permitting us to maintain stress as a hypothesis of the origin of the reflexes. I will conclude by offering a modification of the stress-related hypothesis which enhances its explanatory potential. In treating the fate of *Cw, I will of necessity also be treating the history of the preterit of verbs like tenere, which had *w as the preterit formant, and which therefore provided most instances of *Cw.


Mairi McLaughlin, Syntactic borrowing in contemporary French. A linguistic analysis of news translation (ESME WINTER-FROEMEL)

Luis Fernando Lara, Historia mínima de la lengua española (JENS LÜDTKE)

Ricarda Liver, Der Wortschatz des Bündnerromanischen. Elemente zu einer rätoromanischen Lexikologie (JOHANNES KRAMER)


Itinéraires littéraires du voyage, sous la direction scientifique de François Moureau (FRIEDRICH WOLFZETTEL)

Emma Campbell / Robert Mills (edd.), Rethinking Medieval Translation. Ethics, Politics, Theory (THIERRY REVOL)

Antonie Hornung (ed.), Lingue di cultura in pericolo – Bedrohte Wissenschaftssprachen. L’italiano e il tedesco di fronte alla sfida dell’internazionalizzazione – Deutsch und Italienisch vor den Herausforderungen der Internationalisierung (JOHANNES KRAMER)

Eugenio Canone (ed.), Lessici filosofici dell’età moderna. Linee di ricerca (GIANLUCA VALENTI)


Plurilinguismo e diglossia nella Tarda Antichità e nel Medio Evo, a cura di Piera Molinelli e Federica Guerini (MARCELLO BARBATO)

An Faems / Virginie Minet-Mahy / Colette Van Coolput-Storms (edd.), Les translations d’Ovide au Moyen Âge. Actes de la journée d’études internationale à la Bibliothèque royale de Belgique le 4 décembre 2008 (MARIE-JOSE HEIJKANT)

Tobias Leuker / Rotraud von Kulessa (edd.), Nobilitierung versus Divulgierung? Strategien der Aufbereitung von Wissen in romanischen Dialogen, Lehrgedichten und Erzähltexten der Frühen Neuzeit (SUSANNE FRIEDE)

Olivier Bivort (ed.), La Littérature symboliste et la Langue. Actes du colloque organisé à Aoste les 8 et 9 mai 2009 (JULIA LICHTENTHAL)

Sabine Bastian / Thierry Bulot / Elisabeth Burr (edd.), Sociolinguistique urbaine. Identités et mise en mots (REINHARD KIESLER)

Sabine Ehrhart, Europäische Mehrsprachigkeit in Bewegung: Treffpunkt Luxemburg / Des plurilinguismes en dialogue: rencontres luxembourgeoises (WOLFGANG SCHWEICKARD)

Jarmo Korhonen / Wolfgang Mieder / Elisabeth Piirainen / Rosa Piñel (edd.), Phraseologie global – areal – regional. Akten der Konferenz EUROPHRAS 2008 vom 13.–16.8.2008 in Helsinki (JOACHIM LENGERT)

Holger Wochele / Julia Kuhn / Martin Stegu (edd.), Onomastics goes Business. Role and Relevance of Brand, Company and Other Names in Economic Contexts (CHRISTIAN WEYERS)

Franz Lebsanft / Wiltrud Mihatsch / Claudia Polzin-Haumann (edd.), El español, ¿desde las variedades a la lengua pluricéntrica? (MÓNICA CASTILLO LLUCH)

José Luis Ramírez Luengo (ed.), Por sendas ignoradas. Estudios sobre el español del siglo XIX (IVO BUZEK)

Elisenda Bernal / Carsten Sinner / Martina Emsel (edd.), Tiempo y espacio en la formación de palabras del español (JENS LÜDTKE)

Petrarch & Dante. Anti-Dantism, Metaphysics, Tradition, edited by Zygmunt G. Barański and Theodore J. Cachey, Jr. (FRANZISKA MEIER)

Sergio Lubello (ed.), Volgarizzare, tradurre, interpretare nei secc. XIII–XVI. Atti del convegno internazionale di studio, Studio, Archivio e Lessico dei volgarizzamenti italiani (Salerno, 24–25 novembre 2010) (MARIAFRANCESCA GIULIANI)

Maurizio Dardano (ed.), Sintassi dell’italiano antico. La prosa del Duecento e del Trecento (LUIGI SPAGNOLO)

Georges Darms / Clà Riatsch / Clau Solèr (edd.), Akten des V. Rätoromanistischen Kolloquiums / Actas dal V. Colloqui retoromanistic (Lavin 2011) (JOHANNES KRAMER)


Anja Overbeck / Wolfgang Schweickard / Harald Völker (edd.), Lexikon, Varietät, Philologie: Romanistische Studien. Günter Holtus zum 65. Geburtstag (REINHARD KIESLER)

Phyllis Gaffney / Jean-Michel Picard (edd.), The Medieval Imagination: Mirabile Dictu. Essays in honour of Yolande de Pontfarcy Sexton (MARGHERITA LECCO)

Monica L. Wright / Norris J. Lacy / Rupert T. Pickens (edd.), Moult a sans et vallour. Studies in Medieval French Literature in Honor of William W. Kibler (PAOLA SCARPINI)

Joie de vivre in French Literature and Culture. Essays in Honour of Michael Freeman, edited by Susan Harrow and Timothy Unwin (WERNER HELMICH)

Eva Mayerthaler / Claudia Elisabeth Pichler / Christian Winkler (edd.), Was grammatische Kategorien miteinander machen: Form und Funktion in romanischen Sprachen von Morphosyntax bis Pragmatik. Festschrift für Ulrich Wandruszka (VAHRAM ATAYAN)


Contributi di Filologia dell’Italia Mediana 26 (2013) (LUISA PERLA)


Rufus Gouws / Ulrich Heid / Wolfgang Schweickard / Herbert Ernst Wiegand (edd.), Dictionaries. An International Encyclopedia of Lexicography. Supplementary volume: Recent developments with focus on electronic and computational lexicography (FRANCESCO CRIFÒ)

Anja Hennemann / Claudia Schlaak (edd.), Korpuslinguistische Untersuchungen. Analysen einzelsprachlicher Phänomene (REGINA GÖKE)

Ian Short, Manual of Anglo-Norman (WOLFGANG SCHWEICKARD)

Luke Sunderland, Old French Narrative Cycles. Heroism between ethics and morality (FRIEDRICH WOLFZETTEL)

Donei des amanz, edited by Anthony J. Holden † (WOLFGANG SCHWEICKARD)

Elisabeth Schulze-Busacker, La Didactique profane au Moyen Âge (LUKE SUNDERLAND)

Rima Devereaux, Constantinople and the West in Medieval French Literature: Renewal and Utopia (DAVID TROTTER)

Michel Bideaux, Martin en sa gloire: un livre d’ânes (RICHARD TRACHSLER)

Frédéric Duval, Dire Rome en Français. Dictionnaire onomasiologique des institutions (WOLFGANG SCHWEICKARD)

Pierre Rézeau, Deux siècles de patois en Vendée. De la chanson de Nichan à internet (CHRISTOPH GROß)

Claudio Marazzini, Kurze Geschichte der italienischen Sprache, aus dem Italienischen übersetzt von Hansbert Bertsch (PHILIPP BURDY)

Karlheinz Stierle, Petrarca-Studien (JAN ROHDEN)

Francesco Colonna, Hypnerotomachia Poliphili. Interlinearkommentarfassung, übersetzt und kommentiert von Thomas Reiser (WOLFGANG SCHWEICKARD)

Alessandro Parenti, Parole e storie. Studi di etimologia italiana (WOLFGANG SCHWEICKARD)

Massimo Fanfani, Vocabolari e vocabolaristi. Sulla Crusca nell’Ottocento (WOLFGANG SCHWEICKARD)


Mise en ligne du Französisches Etymologisches Wörterbuch (FEW), ATILFCNRS & Université de Lorraine, http://www.atilf.fr/few (PASCALE RENDERS)

Artesia (Archivio Testuale del Siciliano Antico), a cura di Mario Pagano e Margherita Spampinato, http://artesia.unict.it (LAURA INGALLINELLA)


Peter Koch (1. März 1951 – 7. Juli 2014) (WULF OESTERREICHER)

Brian S. Merrilees (26 novembre 1938 – 6 septembre 2013) (SERGE LUSIGNAN)

LITERATURHINWEISE (Stand: 31. Juli 2014)



Ersteller des Eintrags
Christian Schweizer
Donnerstag, 04. Dezember 2014, 18:49 Uhr
Letzte Änderung
Freitag, 05. Dezember 2014, 18:45 Uhr